Staying Positive Throughout Cancer
My mom is a breast cancer survivor. She first found out about it 8 years ago. She was having her regular massage when the masseuse found a lump in her breast that wouldn’t move. She then had it checked and was confirmed that it was cancer. I was hanging out with my friends when I got a call from my mom. I rushed home and found my mom was having a serious discussion with my aunt and my uncle. She told me about it and told me not to worry because the cancer was still small. I was shocked. Cancer was already in my family – my aunt had a lung cancer. But I never thought cancer would happen to my mom.
My mom has always been a calm and collected woman so she kept herself positive throughout the process. Her cancer was still in the early stage.
She had her radiation treatment in Singapore and recovered fully. She still goes for regular annual check-up until now. This has amazingly changed my family in a good way. It opened our minds about choosing the right doctors, about not postponing check-ups when it comes to health, about asking the right questions to doctors, about having faith and about trusting God in a process. Cancer indeed can happen to anyone. We should take care of ourselves and our loved ones by staying educated and aware of it.
Riani Martha, Jakarta, 34 years old business woman